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Explore the different facets of human emotions and learn how to better understand them. ✜ ‿ ✜
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The Lemurians, the Atlanteans and certain people belonging to our present world, are capable of entering into a state of consciousness which is called Samadhi, in which the individual is able, according to the principle that the spirit dominates the matter, to reduce the processes of its metabolism to zero and to maintain the organism in this state – like animals in hibernation. According to the Indian Swami (spiritual guide), it is possible, if the person knows how to meditate well, to act on the being by influencing the water that bathes him, his biological field being linked to the water of his body. Samadhi is the highest form of meditation.
* This video is part of a series of several episodes
Les Lémuriens, les Atlantes et certaines personnes appartenant à notre monde actuel, sont capables d’entrer dans un état de conscience que l’on appelle le Samâdhi, dans lequel l’individu est en mesure, suivant le principe que l’esprit domine la matière, de réduire à zéro les processus de son métabolisme et de maintenir l’organisme dans cet état – à l’instar des animaux en hibernation. Selon le Swâmi (guide spirituel) indien, il est possible, si la personne sait bien méditer, d’agir sur l’être en influant sur l’eau qui le baigne, son champ biologique étant lié à l’eau de son organisme. Le Samâdhi est la plus haute forme de méditation.
* This video is part of a series of several episodes
Documentary about Consciousness and Reality. Since the time of Plato, the human understanding of the universe has moved through two epoch-defining paradigms. These are the view of the universe as a great mind, moving into the view of the universe as a great machine. Today there are signs that the modern mind is moving towards an organismic view of the universe, apprehended as an evolving, self-generating, and ultimately living process.
* This video is part of a series of several episodes
Ce film présente les études scientifiques et les différents phénomènes observés autour de la mort (EMI, décorporations, contacts avec les défunts, visions des mourants, ...) et réunit pour la première fois un grand nombre de scientifiques réputés sur ce sujet, plusieurs neurologues et médecins
* This video is part of a series of several episodes
Who are we? What is consciousness? Where does it come from? To what extent are we more than our physical body, our thoughts and our emotions?
* This video is part of a series of several episodes
Lors de ces entretiens je tire un fil à partir de questions parfois naïves ou personnelles, ce qui permet à Franck Lopvet de préciser sa vision du monde, toujours à partir de son expérience.
* This video is part of a series of several episodes
Chloé nous parle du fort lien qui existe entre l'Ennéagramme et les émotions humaines
* This video is part of a series of several episodes
Explore the different facets of human emotions and learn how to better understand them. ✜ ‿ ✜
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