1 : What is your current mood ?
Please select the heart shaped icon matching the most what you are feeling right now
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Today it is widely acknowledged, both scientifically and culturally, that the way we express, interpret, resent or even endure our emotions, all contribute to our physical and mental health conditions.
Expressing our emotions through video testimonies is an invitation to watching ourself as we truly are. Such a process means to better understand and comprehend ourselves, and to free ourselves from negative thougths and behaviours.
Whether you want to kindly offer your testimonies to the whole world, send a private and secure link to someone you love or simply store them preciously aside for yourself; this nonprofit platform offers a free and secure space crafted just for you.
And of course because it is only after trying that you will be able to answer for yourself !
Why not !amazement
Today it is widely acknowledged, both scientifically and culturally, that the way we express, interpret, resent or even endure our emotions, all contribute to our physical and mental health conditions.
Expressing our emotions through video testimonies is an invitation to watching ourself as we truly are. Such a process means to better understand and comprehend ourselves, and to free ourselves from negative thougths and behaviours.
Whether you want to kindly offer your testimonies to the whole world, send a private and secure link to someone you love or simply store them preciously aside for yourself; this nonprofit platform offers a free and secure space crafted just for you.
And of course because it is only after trying that you will be able to answer for yourself !
Why not !sadness
Today it is widely acknowledged, both scientifically and culturally, that the way we express, interpret, resent or even endure our emotions, all contribute to our physical and mental health conditions.
Expressing our emotions through video testimonies is an invitation to watching ourself as we truly are. Such a process means to better understand and comprehend ourselves, and to free ourselves from negative thougths and behaviours.
Whether you want to kindly offer your testimonies to the whole world, send a private and secure link to someone you love or simply store them preciously aside for yourself; this nonprofit platform offers a free and secure space crafted just for you.
And of course because it is only after trying that you will be able to answer for yourself !
Why not !your point of view
Today it is widely acknowledged, both scientifically and culturally, that the way we express, interpret, resent or even endure our emotions, all contribute to our physical and mental health conditions.
Expressing our emotions through video testimonies is an invitation to watching ourself as we truly are. Such a process means to better understand and comprehend ourselves, and to free ourselves from negative thougths and behaviours.
Whether you want to kindly offer your testimonies to the whole world, send a private and secure link to someone you love or simply store them preciously aside for yourself; this nonprofit platform offers a free and secure space crafted just for you.
And of course because it is only after trying that you will be able to answer for yourself !
Why not !anger
Today it is widely acknowledged, both scientifically and culturally, that the way we express, interpret, resent or even endure our emotions, all contribute to our physical and mental health conditions.
Expressing our emotions through video testimonies is an invitation to watching ourself as we truly are. Such a process means to better understand and comprehend ourselves, and to free ourselves from negative thougths and behaviours.
Whether you want to kindly offer your testimonies to the whole world, send a private and secure link to someone you love or simply store them preciously aside for yourself; this nonprofit platform offers a free and secure space crafted just for you.
And of course because it is only after trying that you will be able to answer for yourself !
Why not !astonishment
Today it is widely acknowledged, both scientifically and culturally, that the way we express, interpret, resent or even endure our emotions, all contribute to our physical and mental health conditions.
Expressing our emotions through video testimonies is an invitation to watching ourself as we truly are. Such a process means to better understand and comprehend ourselves, and to free ourselves from negative thougths and behaviours.
Whether you want to kindly offer your testimonies to the whole world, send a private and secure link to someone you love or simply store them preciously aside for yourself; this nonprofit platform offers a free and secure space crafted just for you.
And of course because it is only after trying that you will be able to answer for yourself !
Why not !excitement
Today it is widely acknowledged, both scientifically and culturally, that the way we express, interpret, resent or even endure our emotions, all contribute to our physical and mental health conditions.
Expressing our emotions through video testimonies is an invitation to watching ourself as we truly are. Such a process means to better understand and comprehend ourselves, and to free ourselves from negative thougths and behaviours.
Whether you want to kindly offer your testimonies to the whole world, send a private and secure link to someone you love or simply store them preciously aside for yourself; this nonprofit platform offers a free and secure space crafted just for you.
And of course because it is only after trying that you will be able to answer for yourself !
Why not !disappointment
Today it is widely acknowledged, both scientifically and culturally, that the way we express, interpret, resent or even endure our emotions, all contribute to our physical and mental health conditions.
Expressing our emotions through video testimonies is an invitation to watching ourself as we truly are. Such a process means to better understand and comprehend ourselves, and to free ourselves from negative thougths and behaviours.
Whether you want to kindly offer your testimonies to the whole world, send a private and secure link to someone you love or simply store them preciously aside for yourself; this nonprofit platform offers a free and secure space crafted just for you.
And of course because it is only after trying that you will be able to answer for yourself !
Why not !fear
Today it is widely acknowledged, both scientifically and culturally, that the way we express, interpret, resent or even endure our emotions, all contribute to our physical and mental health conditions.
Expressing our emotions through video testimonies is an invitation to watching ourself as we truly are. Such a process means to better understand and comprehend ourselves, and to free ourselves from negative thougths and behaviours.
Whether you want to kindly offer your testimonies to the whole world, send a private and secure link to someone you love or simply store them preciously aside for yourself; this nonprofit platform offers a free and secure space crafted just for you.
And of course because it is only after trying that you will be able to answer for yourself !
Why not !joy
Today it is widely acknowledged, both scientifically and culturally, that the way we express, interpret, resent or even endure our emotions, all contribute to our physical and mental health conditions.
Expressing our emotions through video testimonies is an invitation to watching ourself as we truly are. Such a process means to better understand and comprehend ourselves, and to free ourselves from negative thougths and behaviours.
Whether you want to kindly offer your testimonies to the whole world, send a private and secure link to someone you love or simply store them preciously aside for yourself; this nonprofit platform offers a free and secure space crafted just for you.
And of course because it is only after trying that you will be able to answer for yourself !
Why not !nervousness
Today it is widely acknowledged, both scientifically and culturally, that the way we express, interpret, resent or even endure our emotions, all contribute to our physical and mental health conditions.
Expressing our emotions through video testimonies is an invitation to watching ourself as we truly are. Such a process means to better understand and comprehend ourselves, and to free ourselves from negative thougths and behaviours.
Whether you want to kindly offer your testimonies to the whole world, send a private and secure link to someone you love or simply store them preciously aside for yourself; this nonprofit platform offers a free and secure space crafted just for you.
And of course because it is only after trying that you will be able to answer for yourself !
Why not !embarassment
Today it is widely acknowledged, both scientifically and culturally, that the way we express, interpret, resent or even endure our emotions, all contribute to our physical and mental health conditions.
Expressing our emotions through video testimonies is an invitation to watching ourself as we truly are. Such a process means to better understand and comprehend ourselves, and to free ourselves from negative thougths and behaviours.
Whether you want to kindly offer your testimonies to the whole world, send a private and secure link to someone you love or simply store them preciously aside for yourself; this nonprofit platform offers a free and secure space crafted just for you.
And of course because it is only after trying that you will be able to answer for yourself !
Why not !Please select the heart shaped icon matching the most what you are feeling right now
♡ ‿ ♡
You are about to record a video describing the emotions you are experiencing right now, try to be as wholehearted and sincere as possible❁‿❁
Orientation landscape
1280 pixels wide (HD)
Maximum size 1.5 Go
Your testimony must be between
10 seconds and 8 minutes long
Upload in progress
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By clicking 'yes' be aware you will NOT be able to go back
Your video will be moderated briefly. You will receive a confirmation email to let you know once it is done.
If your video does not comply with which Emotions World community wishes to promote, your video will be deleted and will not be shared via email. Thank you for understanding.
You video has been correctly uploaded, if the chosen visibility requires it, you must still publish your testimony to finalize its processing
Your video will be reviewed briefly. You will receive a confirmation email to let you know once it is done.
If your video does not comply with which Emotions World community wishes to promote, your video will be deleted and the link you shared will be disabled. Thank you for understanding.
We have detected that your internet connection is rather slow, it is possible that it will cause problems when uploading your video. If this happens, we recommend that you start over once you have access to a better connection.