From which univers Emotions World come from ?
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My name is Vincent, I was born on August 11, 1985 in France, and I am the creator of Emotions World.
Born in France, i graduated in Dijon before working in the IT field for a while as a developper then as a software architect. Thanks to my passion for moving around the world, i now speak and read French, English and Spanish fluently. I'm also in love with street rollerblading and video making since i'm a kid.
After having spent many years discovering the world by traveling physically around the planet, then virtually and intellectually thanks to the Internet and YouTube, before the arrival of the massive censorship of the web giants, I found myself a new hobby by investigating a large number of topics in order to understand how our world and the humans living on it are both working.
Computer Systems and Networks, Software Architecture, Marketing, Advertising, Economics, Cosmology, Physics, Quantum Physics, Psychology, Eneagram, Sociology, Geopolitics, Finance, DEFI, Global Governance, Climatology, Alchemy, Phylosophy, Symbolism, Spirituality, Natural Medicine, Self-sufficiency, Meditation, Near death experience, Human brain, Consciousness, are things i really enjoyed exploring and which have contributed to my perception of reality.
The very first intension which allow this project to emerge appeared during the month of August 2019 when crossing the Atlantic Ocean on a sailing boat. During this time, under a starry night, I was looking for an effacing way to share with as many people as possible the idea that human consciousness continues to exist after death. Mainly in order to update our point of view and perception of our world and therefore the motivations that drive those who are, consciously or not, scared of death. All of this without falling into religious dogma.
Hoping that Emotions World can help you love your authenticity, spread and feel a lot of LOVE for yourself and then for those around you.
Wishing you some LOL WOW YUMMY YEAH, more Consciousness, mainly 'mucho Amor' ! Happy inner exploration ;-)